Ready to hear from a newbie?
Hello to all! I am new to this website and new to Fly Fishing. No subject here just would like to say that I cant wait to learn more about this amazing sport. Just to see a fish being caught by delivering most natural presentation absolutely blows my mind. Thank you God for giving us such? beautiful rivers...
My Quest To Becoming a DFG Officer starts here....
well besides the 30 weeks at the academy at butte college near marysville, here is what else is involved in becoming a dfg officer. i can tell you this, it wont be easy, and it wont be a trip in the park, but if i buckle down and dedicate myself anything is possible. especially if i am going to take 3 yrs to do i...
brian clemens
So, got out the creek for the first time in a LONG time for me.? Been at least a few months. But even still, I only fished for about 2 hours, and it was pretty disappointing.? Not a fish, not a whiff of a fish, not a strike, nothing. Water was green, about 1 ft. visibility, tops.? I tried just about every combi...
Hey Tug, PM sent
Capn Paul
Sunday, January 20 ...
1 2
Slow today.?Water is still "stained", but fishable. Flows are low. Two takes, one to hand. New personal best! measured 23". Pic isn't great, but I really wanted to get this dude back in the water. Fished thru a brief rain shower ... that was cool! Other was a 13"(??) holdover tha...
Sunday 1-20
Hello board...
Well, I got an unexpected day off from work, so I hit up the creek. This was only my second time there, and I've been reading a lot about tactics and reading water, so i put my newly-found knowledge to work. I returned t the same spot i fished on my first visit, and on about my 10th cast, my in...
Capn Paul
Monday, January 21 Report
Today was a awesome day for me. Started at around 8 in the morning and caught a nice 20 inch or bigger native rainbow. Super cool for first trout fly fishing. Had a bunch of followers, but no more takers. I was really pumped though. I was using a olive woolybugger. But now I know what I need to get: new waders...
Out of Town Guides
?? Hello everyone at Putah Creek Fishing Forum. I have been reading the forum now for about 6 months, thats when i started this completely engrossing hobby. I have read with interest every post within the last 6 months, I can say I have been able to learn quite a lot with the info that is avaliable here and...
01-17-08 Blessed by the Putah Gods part II
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well i must start?with this "WHAT A?BEAUTIFUL DAY FOR FISHING. nice, warm, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. PERFECT." now on to the day. got there a lil later than id like to, but to my suprise not a car in site. i had the creek to myself for the whole day. went to my first spot that i always fish in the...
brian clemens
Putah creek and steelhead card question
after fishing the american yesterday and loving every minute of it, i ofcourse had to fill out my steelie card. on the back gives you codes for all the rivers where this card is needed. and low and behold. Putah Creek was one that is on this card. now when i go to putah, do i have to fill this card out as well. a...
brian clemens
Gonna be there.
Leaving right now to camp at canyon creek till monday. I will be the teenager wearing either? a hat or a beanie, brown waders too.
friday 1/18
I caught my 3rd and 4th trout ever. Both big ones, I'd say about 20-24". Longer than my computer keyboard which is about 18" (thinking like the striper fisherman that I am). I actually hooked two more - the first one pulled and was immediately gone. The second hydroplaned and was gone in 2 sec...
14 Jan 2008
I snuck out to the creek before class this morning.? It probably wasn't the best idea.? I ended up sleeping through my first class.? The water is still murky, but at least the brown tint is gone.? I met up with dtp916?before sunrise, and?we got into some pretty nice fish.? The regular old Putah flies wer...
Water Clarity??
Did anyone make it out today??? I'm looking for an update on water color.?? I fished Fri, Sat, and Sun this past week and the water viz was about 12 to 18 inches up around the bridge.? Unfortunately, the water wasn't improving over the weekend either.... ? If anyone has an report, I'd be grateful. Cheers...
Here's a location tip for you Brian, you need a map!
One of your posts on the Redds thread says:
"being in sac not to many great fishing spots around in this area. i wish i lived closer to nicer fisheries"
Get yourself a good stream map and look around, you live next to a gold mine of fishing. Lower Yuba, Feather, America, Middle Fork of the A...
water conditions
Can anyone report on Putah water conditions following recent rains? Is the water clear yet? Any significant level change since Christmas? Thanks, Eric
Monday 1-21?
Is anyone planning on fishing on Martin Luther King Jr. day? I may try and get out in the morning for a while.
box of barbless flies
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Will the DFG cite me if I pinch down the barbs on one fly attached to my line but the rest of my flies in my box are not pinched down?
Day Use Fee and other random stuff.
I'm going to be flying in on Wednesday, and fishing the creek on Friday.? Was wondering where I need to go to pay the day use fee for county park fishing access?? I've been tying different midges, and long thin leaders for use on the creek, and reading this board religously in anticipation of my visit, an...
Putah creek paintball
had a chance to do some fishing last night and i noticed something difrent than normal a bunch of kids and there parents playing paintball in the parking lot above the bridge dont get me wrong i used to love to play paintball i probly have close to as much paintball gear as i do fishing gear but maybee next t...
How long have you been fishing Putah Creek?
I was curious as to how?many years?you've been fishing Putah Creek? I first fished Putah Creek in 2003.? I was looking for a local place to fly fish and found Bono's phone number and hired him to take me out and teach me the creek.? I learned a lot and caught several fish and I was hooked. I have been an avid f...
keith bigelow
River Otter Gang
While it was a slow day fishing, I did see a remarkable event (at least to me it was) five river otters floating down the river together, each rising up about 5 feet in front of me as they floated by.? I have seen otters in the river before but only one maybe two at a time.? They hung around for quite a while in t...
1 2
The flows have been jumping since yesterday.? They?had been?at about 90 cfs for a while when they fell yesterday.? They went down to about 50 cfs when the something went wrong with the gauge.? Did it go any lower?? For the spawners sake, I hope not.? If they did fall lower, some of the redds could have bee...
flyfishing goals for 2008
I was curious to know what ?some of you guys fishing goals are for this year. Heres some of mine. Catch a wild trout on a fly that i tied, Fish kirman lake, Spend at least 2 night alone in the high sierra fishing for trout (hopefully goldens), Study more hydrology(that water ain't doi ng what you think it is...
01-10-08 just another day on the creek
well second time out on the creek, and another day that i can complain, got there bright and early as usual, and it started raining cats and dogs, so i decided to chill in the car till it let up a little bit, so finally about 7:35 if finally stop pooring down and was just a misty sprinkle. it was a gorgous morn...
brian clemens
i need to ask this cuz i have been wondering this for a very long time, one what is the difference between native trout and wild trout, and ofcourse is the trout on putah native or wild. i know that at one point putah had a salmon and steelhead run, and that putah was natural spawning grounds for them, and th...
brian clemens
this weekend
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I'm thinkin the unethical topic is a little old. The real question is, Are ya fishin this weekend, Anyone ? I'll hook up if anyone is interestesed.
jan 03 2008 great way to start the yr on putah
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first time on the creek for 2008 and it will be a memorable one fished my fav spot till about 11am then moved to a different location stayed there for about an hour wishing that i never left the first spot. so this is how the day went, not to cold, but a lil damp, the flows perfect, just a lil bit of steam coming...
brian clemens
Highly Recommended!
The book: Fish Food by Ralph Cutter
The DVD: Bugs of the Underworld by Ralph Cutter
I have both. If you read the book and watch the DVD I can almost guarantee you will change the way you fish. The DVD especially gives you an underwater view of what "real" nymphs look like in their natural env...
12-29 fishing
Getting up and seeing any golf a washout this morning, it was off to Putah.? Raining and 42 degrees, can't be many people up there, I thought.? Apparently, quite a few other fly fishers had the same idea as me on this holiday weekend!? Man, was I surprised.? It was cold and wet, but other stubborn fly fish...