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Forum: Equipment and Product Reviews
Topic Started By Replies Views Last Post
No New Posts Ross Reel customer service (Preview)
I bought a couple Ross reels from Brian Clemmens here.  Once they came in the mail I did with them what I do with most reels, I took them apart to clean them, and see how they work.  In doing so I broke the screw that holds the drag knob in place on one of the reels.  I called Ross Reels to try and get replacement...
mike b 1 1493
No New Posts go pro video editing (Preview)
So santa brought me a new gopro 2 for xmas.  Since this thing doesn't come with video editing software what do you guys use to chop your videos?  Packrat? Richard?
Cole Davis 9 2122
No New Posts korkers (Preview)
Is anyone out there using the Korkers boots that have the snap in style soles on them?  They have four different options with felt, studded and that slippery s#*t everyone is trying to pass off as sticky rubber.  Seems like a good concept just dunno how well they hold up.
Cole Davis 10 2638
No New Posts Euro nymphing rod suggestions? (Preview)
I have the Euro nymphing bug. I'm contemplating buying a more specialized rod to match the style. Does anyone have any experience or suggestions? I'm Looking at 10' 3 or 4 weights. I want to do Polish/Czech short line as well as French/Spanish longer line casting. I am not going to spend more than $...
DrDan 3 2464
No New Posts Yuba Swing Boo (Preview)
Since i've been catching some really nice fish on the Yuba river lately i though i should have a photographer take some nice photos of the 6 wt spey rod and the tube before i gets to banged up from fishing. last week i caught several nice rainbows one 18 and a 19 incher on the swing with variants of north coun...
Alpen Glow 1 1311
No New Posts Indicator lines (Preview)
Anyone using the Rio indicator or SA lines out there?  I am getting ready to build a Sage 99 and I am curious about matching it up with that line.  I have 2 normal WF 6 wt. lines here but I have this bad affinity for new equipment and a rapidly deminishing bank account.  Figured I may give that line a whirl.  L...
Cole Davis 1 1305
No New Posts New Website (Preview)
 Fishing House The House of Anglers.All You Need For Fishing.
tomas1972 0 1048
No New Posts bobbers (Preview)
So what's the difference between a thingamabobber and a sindicator.  Looks the same to me??  Folks were talking recently about liking the sindicator better. 
Cole Davis 1 1155
No New Posts Chest packs (Preview)
I like to travel light and move fast so I'm looking at the William Joseph magnetic closure chest packs.  Any of you guys using it?  If you are using any other chest pack, what brand and how do you like it? -Taylor
Ty 7 2041
No New Posts Buying gear in China...any tips? (Preview)
I'm off to China in a few days on a work trip and because everything is made there these days, including probably all the graphite blanks on the planet, is it worthwhile buying gear there?  I've found one site for a store in Shanghai but it could be junk, anyone know?
Bob Loblaw 2 1439
No New Posts Tis the season for gloves.......again........ (Preview)
Ok, 2 years ago I started a thread about gloves, what kind you guys have used, what is best for warmth, waterproof, function, etc.  I'm curious to see if there have been any advancements in gloves since Nov. 2009.  I am currently still using my Orvis fleece mitten/convertible fingerless ones which ar...
Ty 10 1798
No New Posts Possibly the best deal in fly rods. (Preview)​/Fly-Fishing-Rods%7C/pc/104793480/c/104721480/sc/1​05573780/Cabelas-Wind-River-Rods/1197564.uts?desti​nation=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Ffishing-fly-...
iamamultitasker 5 1449
No New Posts Grandpa's Bamboo Rod (Preview)
I just got my grandpa's old bamboo flyrod labeled "steelhead/Salmon" out of storage.  I was thinking about using it this winter.  It looks to be in almost perfect condition. Quality looks good.   It comes with two tips, all three pieces are 4.5 feet long.  There is no signature, weight, or...
dadx4boys 2 1567
No New Posts switch rod (Preview)
Getting ready to snatch up my first switch rod.  Leaning towards the TFO deer creek.  Anyone have any experience with this rod?  One of my buddies has a Beulah and another has a R.B Meiser.  Those may be my other two rods to check out.  Planning on running a skagit short with some Mow tips. 
Cole Davis 0 1021
No New Posts The last six feet of your line?? (Preview)
Here is my tip of the day for Putah.  The last six feet of your setup are the most important. You could go out and buy a brand new Sage The One rig it up with a brand new Abel reel and hit the creek with 4x and 5x mono.  You might catch a fish or two, but you will probably catch a few more with a 90 degree setup and Rio...
Otter 12 2147
No New Posts they keep on breaking me off (Preview)
I have lost at least 5 or 6 very lg  fish  sence I started  using little flys  what gives  ? is 5 x too light  ?
rgloft 15 1541
No New Posts airflow ridge lines (Preview)
I have been using the supple tactical line on my five wt. and I dig it.   Lake fish here but it's been good on the river too. -- Edited by Cole Davis on Monday 12th of September 2011 09:43:26 PM
Cole Davis 0 927
No New Posts Reel Help (Preview)
I need some input.  I'm looking for a reel to pair with a 5 wt Orvis Access.  I'm looking to spend around $200, and am absolutely overwhelmed by the selection.  Can anyone help with some suggestions or even just basic traits to look for in a decent reel? Much appreciated!
JMO32 7 1232
No New Posts Stillwater Lines (Preview)
Hey all, I am not sure if any one reads this, but I figured I would take a stab.  I am looking for a line to use on my 6 weight for fishing lakes in Northern Wisconsin in late August.  The water will be warm, and the fish will be deep.  i would say 20-25 feet.  My question is, do I need a full sink line?  If so, what...
Dragking 1 1183
No New Posts Kunnan Fly Rod??? (Preview)
I have in my possession a Kunnan, 8ft, CG7205 AFTMA 6-7... Not sure if the 6-7 means 6-7 wt, but the rod in general feels fairly noodley. I wouldn't be throwing a 6wt line on it, I think its more of a 4wt or less. Feels that way anyways. Any info that could be provided would be great. I don't think its anything...
jvento 0 2962
No New Posts PONTOON BOATS... (Preview)
No New Posts vices (Preview)
Looking at getting a new rotary vice and was wondering what you guys use.  I am leaning pretty heavy towards the Dyna king barracuda.  They are out of Cloverdale so I would be supporting a local company and seem to be bomb proof.  Little pricey for this working kid but they are really nice.  Any thoughts...
CJ 7 1745
No New Posts Sage RPL (Preview)
I just bought a 590-2 Sage RPL. I picked it up on ebay and its in amazing condition for how old it is. And yes I said RPL for all you "old timers." I guess its not that old, but they did come out with the RPL series back in 1985. Many say that this rod put Sage on the map and was a huge advancement in grap...
hobbs 3 7112
No New Posts GoPro HD and Contour HD (Preview)
I was thinking about picking up one or the other. Dont really know if anyone here has any experience with the HD POV cams yet. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks. Colin
Colin.flournoy 4 1150
No New Posts Aquastealth (Preview)
As some might know I am on the market for a new pair of boots. I have been looking around but found the same pair of Simms boots (L2s) i am looking to replace on sale but they have the Aquastealth soles. I have used the Vibram Streamtread before but have never even heard of these does anyone have advice or exp...
AfricanAngler 4 1270
No New Posts Albright Rods and Reels (Preview)
Good Morning everyone. I am off to the slopes today, but wishing I was fishing!! Is anyone out there familiar with Albright?  I would like to add to my expanding collection of rods and reels, but I object to paying the high prices demanded by the premium brands. Take care and thanks for the input, DJ
DJ Cal 8 7086
No New Posts What to do? / busted the tip off my 3wt (Preview)
I busted the very tip off on my Ross 3wt.  It only had a 1 yr warranty which is expired.  How can I repair it?
Ty 9 1722
No New Posts Simms G4 or G3 Jacket (Preview)
Wondering your guys and gals opinion on the Simms G4 and G3 jacket. From what I know there are slight differences between the 2, and would like to get some more info before I get one of the 2. Here is what I know G4  $480 G3  $400 G4   Pit zippers G4   More zippers through out jacket Both have all YKK waterpro...
brian clemens 5 10834
No New Posts floatant prefference ? (Preview)
What brand of dry fly floatant do you like ? Personally Daves bug float from umpqua is probably the one I found best. Although I used one called fly sauce(dont remember who makes it) And it was a close second. Rio's Floatant works fine but seems to not last as long. The one thing I really don't like is when f...
shon42073 3 1134
No New Posts Nets question (Preview)
I'm wanting to get a new net that doesn't get my hooks caught in it all the time.  Do any of you guys use the silicon nets?
Ty 7 1225
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