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Forum: Other Rivers, Streams and Lakes
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No New Posts angels camp area? arizona info. (Preview)
Hello all, I am new to this forum and wanted to inquire about the angels camp area. any good streams hosting brookies/brownies in those parts??? Will flow/clarity be a problem in mid June???  I have recently moved from Flagstaff arizona back to the bay, so if anyone needs some good info. for a f...
strip4bigtail 1 779
No New Posts NF Yuba? (Preview)
Does anyone have a guess as to when the NF of the Yuba will be fishable again? Or the Truckee? What a bizarre year, hunh? Hope you're all doing well. Best, Pete
pfish26 4 986
No New Posts The Yuba... (Preview)
I spent the weekend up at the cabin and fished the Yuba Friday and Saturday (@ HWY 20). Friday, when the sun broke through late PM, there was a decent hatch of really small creme and black midge/ gnat looking things. I had no luck on the small stuff but did find a few fresh stone fly husks. I switched over to a...
rich 3 950
No New Posts Fishing near redding (Preview)
Is there any fishing areas near Redding, I'm looking for somthing next week?
fishingitup 1 768
No New Posts Warm Water Species (Preview)
Since Putah Creek is still unfishable, I did some lake fishing yesterday and today.  I caught about 100 fish between the 2 days.  Most of the fish were bluegill and redear sunfish.  But having an extra rod rigged with a streamer I managed to catch a few carp, crappie, and bass.&...
JT 0 673
No New Posts Oregon Trip (Preview)
I'm headed up to Oregon to fish the Umpqua and a couple other spots in the Elkton area. Does anyone have any suggestions for that area ? I've been checking the flows up there and they don't seem to have all of this rain we are getting down here. I've read that there have been alot of steelhead and spring Chin...
rich 5 2548
No New Posts Lake Henessey (Preview)
Any one fish here recently? I am thinking about going on Thursday or Friday. Maybe take a sink tip line and clousers or fish on top? Paul
paul 11 1176
No New Posts Road Trip Anyone ? (Preview)
I'm thinking about heading up to Lewiston this Saturday and would like to know if anyone wanted to come along.  I live in the Fairfield area. I've been up there a few times already this year and have had good success. I've heard they released the smolts last week and there are a lot of little fish in t...
rich 0 743
No New Posts cache creek trip (Preview)
Hi. I am the new guy on the board. I have been looking at it for a while and thought I should join. I am dying to hook some trout and get away for a while. Would any one be interested in fishing cache creek on friday and saturday? I live in Santa Cruz so car pool could be an option if you live on the way. Rob &nb...
SCFISH 2 1019
No New Posts Sunday Fishing-Anyone Up to It? (Preview)
I was thinking about a Sunday run up to the North Fork of Cache Creek anyone interested?
Shark Diver 0 719
No New Posts cache creek?????? (Preview)
Anybody have anything to say about that piece of water??? Flows look lower coming out of Clear Lake...Any trout to be had????? Just cabin fever starting to make me think of other places.
procrastinate 4 6532
No New Posts Trinity?? (Preview)
 Has anyone fished the trinity lately? Might be going up there on monday and was looking for any reports. Thanks. -Mike
ML 0 692
No New Posts Yuba River (Preview)
I hiked up above the bridge for about an hour hoping to see the big rainbows jumping for bugs, but I didn't see a riser the whole evening.  I put on an egg and caddis combo hoping to catch something down below.  Soon after I hooked something that felt like a snag.  The "rock" started movin...
Otter 2 973
No New Posts Southern California (Preview)
  My work and ministry opportunities may be taking me to So Cal.  Near San Diego/Temecula.  One of the factors I need to consider is the fishing in the area  Is there anyone from down there or have traveled there to fish?  I am going to Kienes today to buy a...
KHB 2 953
No New Posts Lower sac river (Preview)
Myself and a couple of buddies fished the Lower Sac in Redding last Friday,we launched out at the possie grounds and drifted down to Sac RV.The fishing was decent but not on fire.I think we boated probably 10 or so fish, a few of those were nice size.There were really no hot bugs for the day, a mixture of pr...
bono 1 907
No New Posts Stanislaus River (Preview)
I went up to the Stanislaus River today to take a couple of guys out who have never fly fished before.  The river is SUPER HIGH!  It is flowing clear, though.  In the past this river has been one of the first to clear out and become fishable.  We did manage to find a side channe...
JT 0 852
No New Posts Lake Amador (Preview)
  I'm looking for any reports on lake amador. I might be going up there on thursday and just wanted to know how its doing and what flies to use. any info would be great, thanks. Merry Christmas to all. - Mike
ML 0 716
No New Posts American River in Sacto (Preview)
I haven't fished Putah lately, as the fish seem to be in full spawn mode.  I have spent a few hours at Goethe Park after cruising the moto track at Hangtown.  So far I have only had one fish straighten my hook on a fox poopah.  Does anyone have any tips for steelhead on the american through...
Otter 4 1071
No New Posts Looking for More Winter Spots (Preview)
    I am in hopes to do a lot more fishing this fall/winter and I would like to know where and what stays open for trout during this time of year.  I know I will spend many days @ Putah, but would like to meander off a bit as well.  I have never fished steelies, but I may like to...
KHB 3 998
No New Posts feather river (Preview)
Fished the feather last wednesday for steelhead. We had four guys in two boats, two of us were experienced and the other two newbies. I landed five and lost three others. The biggest was 27 inches. But the best fight came from an 18 incher I got in frog water. The other guy in my boat (newbie) hooked one tha...
jeff webb 2 873
No New Posts Trinity River? (Preview)
  Anyone been up to the Trinity during the winter months for trout?  I hear they are around eating the Salmon and Steelehead eggs.  Just wondering?   I'm really looking for a few good spots this winter   Keith -- Edited by KHB at 18:12, 2005-10-19
KHB 0 716
No New Posts South Fork American River (Preview)
Has anyone ever fished the south fork of the american river. If so please post info. I hear this is a prime time to fish there.
Clayton 0 796
No New Posts Bridgeport Area (Preview)
I traveled earlier this week to Bridgeport via Markleeville and the Monitor Pass.  If any of you have the opportunity to travel over the Monitor Pass, do so.  The views of the eastern sierra valley from 9000 feet is awesome.  Made my way to the West Walker by Pickel Meadow and hiked in a...
Patrick 2 810
No New Posts East Carson (Preview)
I was at the east carson a few weeks ago by the airport and it was a blast.  Super hot when we arrived (11:00) so the action was a bit slow.  If any of you have ever fished the east carson then you know about the jumping rainbows.  It is really funny and a blast at the same time.  The flow...
Patrick 0 767
No New Posts Fishing Reports from other Rivers and Streams (Preview)
Please post reports from areas other than Putah Creek here
bono 0 601
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