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Forum: Putah Creek Fly Fishing
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No New Posts Fire (Preview)
Looks like Pleasants Valley Road is getting really hammered, lots of homes lost.  I took my daughter to the creek on Sunday to fish and we are chatting on the way home about how nice it would be to live along there, but the fire risk was scary.  Hope everyone gets out OK -- Edited by Bob Loblaw on Wednesday 1...
Bob Loblaw 0 1459
No New Posts Request for Your Opinon: Regulation Change to Protect Spawning Trout Survey (Preview)
URGENT! PCT would like your opinion regarding potential fishing regulation changes to protect spawning trout.Putah Creek is a designated Wild Trout Water, well known for its trophy rainbow trout population. Traditionally, Putah Creek had been governed by general trout regulations, includin...
SK60 9 2426
No New Posts At the creek on Sunday (Preview)
Took my youngest son to look at the creek today. We went down to the lower end of access 3 and found some homeless dude living down by the water at the point where the creek comes back together past the little island. And there were people picnicking a little further up and the idiots had a small fire going....
mudhen 4 1930
No New Posts New Version of the online angler survey is now available (Preview)
To all fly fishers: thanks to Webmaster Keith a new updated online angler survey form has gone live. To increase angler survey participation and data collection for the wild trout fishery, PCT, with support from Solano Water Agency is conducting an on-line angler survey to support the CDFW’s Bay D...
SK60 1 1938
No New Posts Controlled burn along Highway 128 May 27-30 (Preview)
Cal Fire will be doing controlled burns from Pleasants Valley Road to the Resort this week. Traffic controls will be in place
SK60 0 1402
No New Posts Putah creek cutbow? (Preview)
This sure looks like a cutbow to me.  Anyone else come across one like this at Putah? 
Phasesofwatersports 8 2380
No New Posts Reminder to complete online angler surveys (Preview)
All: PCT is reminding anglers to complete the online survey. The angler survey boxes located in the 128 bridge parking lots contain business cards with the QR Code that are convenient to take and use with your phone's camera. Also you can use this link:    t...
SK60 0 1229
No New Posts Creek open or closed COVID confusion... (Preview)
Haven't been here in a while and just saw the thread about Yolo County closing the creek. A few weeks ago I tried to go to the creek and found all parking areas chained off and had signs posted the entire area was closed, mention of COVID and too many people on narrow trails. About 2 weeks after that I see a Ro...
Packrat 1 1611
No New Posts Yolo County reopening Fishing Accesses today April 24 (Preview)
The following info has been provided by Yolo County Parks. Please note the restrictions to social distancing and wearing face coverings in the announcement and view the additional requirements listed in the link. This does not include the bridge area which is CDFW managed below the bridge. Tight L...
SK60 0 1402
No New Posts ATTENTION: Yolo County has closed access to all of the Fishing Accesses (1-5) until further notice (Preview)
 ATTENTION: Yolo County has closed all Fishing Accesses on Putah Creek until further notice. Violators of the order may be cited for trespassing. Yolo County Sheriff's deputies will be providing enforcement. That includes roadside parking: if you are found anywhere on the Access properties y...
SK60 4 2093
No New Posts shelter in place? (Preview)
any comments on the SIP order?  was planning on fishing this weekend, but my reading of the new order seems to nix this.  any *theoretical* thoughts or guidance?
bluCheek 5 1756
No New Posts 3/4/20 (Preview)
People don’t post pics anymore...what the hell......
Rossflyguy 7 1945
No New Posts Hi from a french guy (Preview)
Hello, i am a 60 years old french fly fisher (sorry if they are some wrong words, my english is good i think but not high level) My son leaves in San Francisco and  we will be visiting him in may 2020. I found on the web the putah creek  fishery. If some of you can help me answering some basic questions ( i don't...
pleminh 7 2202
No New Posts Lost: Fish Pond Vest with gear (Preview)
A member of Granite Bay Fly Casters has lost his fish pond vest with flies and associated gear on the Creek 2/24/20. This was a father to son gift, so there's additional value attached. If found, please send me an email and I'll put you in contact with GBFC. Thank you
SK60 0 1344
No New Posts What's going on? (Preview)
I spent some time out at the creek today.  I didn’t catch anything but someone else obviously did.  I found this one high up on the bank at the bottom of the staircase. It looked quite fresh judging by the color and that rigor mortis hadn't set in.  I measured it at just under 18”. This is the second time t...
Mike42 8 2138
No New Posts knot (Preview)​problem-solved?utm_term=nprnews&utm_source=twi​​r&fbclid=IwAR2zWmNt1CUONmfxoHQb15BNWyV1QGOiuw5​0eE0RjCdTC8z0xZ1JbDT-eV4
lightfoot 3 1614
No New Posts How's Putah fishing in the next 10 days? (Preview)
That's it - wondering if I head over in the next week or two weather permitting how's the action.   Thanks!!
patsheridan 3 1639
No New Posts Merry Christmas (Preview)
keith bigelow 3 1884
No New Posts eagle! (Preview)
As I was walking up to # 4, I saw a bald eagle sitting in a tree across the creek. He looked at me and with two flaps of his wings was GONE! That really made my day. -- Edited by mudhen on Monday 18th of November 2019 05:48:03 AM
mudhen 4 1891
No New Posts Water Flow (Preview)
What’s with the 40 cfs flow? Are they cleaning the lake? I was on the creek today and water level went from normal in the morning to a nearly dry creek by 4 pm. I hope fish are ok with this. 
Fornacino 6 1674
No New Posts Yolo County will start charging Day Use Fees July 1, 2019 (Preview)
All interested parties: Yolo County, which maintains/manage the five fishing accesses on Putah Creek will begin charging day use fees for any vehicles parked in the Access parking lots. Below was information provided by the county:1. When will fee payments be initiated? July 1st or soon therea...
SK60 17 2760
No New Posts Hahaha! (Preview)
not even a month.
mudhen 3 1439
No New Posts Annual coastal cleanup Day Saturday, September 21, 2019 (Preview)
Friends of Putah Creek: Putah Creek Trout and Fly Fishers of Davis are co-sponsoring a cleanup of the Inter-dam Reach of the Creek on Saturday, September 21 beginning at 9 AM and finishing at 12 noon. Instructions and sign-ups are available at the link below. Email me with any comments or questions....
SK60 0 874
No New Posts Northwest Fly Fishing Magazine article about Putah Creek (Preview)
In the November/December 2018 edition of Northwest Fly Fishing Magazine there is a great article about Putah Creek.   Click here to view the article     .
keith bigelow 5 1628
No New Posts Will it Fish? (Crayfish Flies) (Preview)
Now that I've been having some success nymphing, I want to try to land a larger specimen using a crayfish is one I tied up on my own. I know some of you have had success fishing crayfish patterns. I weighted it quite heavily with a 6.5 mm tungsten cone and 20 wraps of .25 lead wire on a size 6 ho...
skunk extinction 5 1631
No New Posts Mc cloud anybody? (Preview)
Anyone with a truck want to go up there next week? I will buy gas,  beer and lunch/ dinner. 
mudhen 2 1287
No New Posts PCT to screen benefit showing of Patagonia's "Artifishal" movie at the Palms in Winters Sat. June 22, 2019 (Preview)
Come join us for a great night out Saturday June 22, 2019 to see a great movie, have a drink, and support a great cause: Putah Creek Trout (PCT)!PCT will host the thought provoking and beautifully shot movie Artifishal which delves into the controversy of artificially managing fish populations a...
SK60 1 3609
No New Posts Where in the hell did all of these people come from? (Preview)
Lot 5 at 11:00 am.
mudhen 25 3067
No New Posts Knowing Putah Creek (Preview)
Hey Guys, So I am sure most of you have seen all of the people on the creek recently. It seems that your typical runs that are easy to access are always filled up bright and early and it's like a race to try and get to the run first or you are out of luck. I have had to think outside of the box to get to some spots tha...
hares_ear 13 2121
No New Posts Rain, Rain, Go Away... (Preview)
Lower the flows another November.   I hate fishing these low flows!
Skol Bandit 0 966
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