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Forum: Other Rivers, Streams and Lakes
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No New Posts Heavy tippets with nymphs on the yuba? (Preview)
whilst lobbing nymphs yesterday on the Yuba, I waded on out and hucked my little 5x to 6x rig to the middle of the riffle where it was immediately engulfed by the largest trout I have ever seen. I'll put it in the 30" range (A disclaimer; at 62 years old I have no need to lie about this stuff). in the 5 to 10 seco...
mudhen 4 2028
No New Posts Russian River (Preview)
I have to assume that this rain is going to open the mouth of the Russian and bring some steelhead into the system.  Has anybody driven by the mouth or seen what the river looks like?  It's that time of the year when I start to get nervous sitting around the house waiting to get out and give them a try.    
East Bay Ed 2 1563
No New Posts FOR TROPHY PIKE fishing places Putin (Preview)
VladimirR 0 1509
No New Posts Swing some flies!! (Preview)
Looking to do a swing trip to feather or trinity. Maybe take a rod to yuba as a option lol any one up I'm I Fl till the 6tj but after that all open
erich 0 1574
No New Posts Fishing partner (Preview)
I'm looking for some one to go hike the yuba or feather for steelhead. Or maybe  the truckee but I'm not familiar with it so would be a learning/exploreing trip. Was thinking weekend after thanksgiving. Hit me with a message.
erich 1 1636
No New Posts Headed to Lower Owens river (Preview)
I was wondering if any of you guys have been there and have any input. I am going to be near bishop just below the pleasant valley reservoir in the wild trout section. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've been tightlining a lot lately and I'm not sure if the waters are conducive to that style? And ju...
Dev 1 1873
No New Posts Merced or Yosemite region (Preview)
Hey guys, En Route to Paso tomorrow from Sacramento figured I would travel a fair bit off the beaten path and see if I could find some new trout water.  Anyone have any suggestions for fishing the Merced or anything in that Western region of Yosemite?  I planned on driving down the 99  and head East.  Any...
skylerjohnb 0 1262
No New Posts Pit (Preview)
Fished Pit 3 with the hordes.  Lots and lots of grabs, landed about half.  Fish were from 10-20+.  Vast majority on  basically a modified black ap in 14's.  Rest on dark lord and prince also in 14's.  They were the only 3 flies I used/needed.  Water is high but you can cross the river in the rapid sections...
lightfoot 0 1288
No New Posts Upper Sacto (Preview)
Drove up to see an old friend in Dunsmuir.  Fished the upper Sacto in two spots.  Stopped at Delta in hopes the browns were coming up from Shasta.  The water was as high as I'd ever seen it.  Fished an hour with no hits.  Finally, I added a significant about of lead to sink my nymphs to the bottom.  Started b...
East Bay Ed 0 1197
No New Posts Cambodian girl makes compound bow with PVC pipe (Preview)
I apologize if this is inappropriate for this section.  We have no how to section.  I loved it and pass it along just to show how people make do with less then adequate gear.    Enjoy.  East Bay Ed I got a kick out of this.  I used to bow hunt with a Martin Lynx.  It was a lot of work.  Never tried for fish.  You h...
East Bay Ed 0 1546
No New Posts Stanislaus River (Preview)
Anyone fish near big tree state park near Arnold, CA? I fished it for about 30 min last year and caught a small Brookie. It looked like hard wading access.
Nate 2 2567
No New Posts future adventures (Preview)​ak-lahontan-cutthroat-trout-released-into-truckee-​basin-waters/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=CA_A​LDS&utm_campaign=CAanglerupdate_041117&utm​_content=bullards-buttonFISHERIES, FISHING (SPORT)...
lightfoot 0 1328
No New Posts Catfish on a fly rod! (Preview)
I caught my first catfish on a fly rod.  Little sucker tried to clamp down on my thumb.  With all the water this year the bass were biting as well!  Pound for pound smallmouth fight better than trout!
Otter 3 1460
No New Posts Big bass on Berryessa (Preview)
Look at the size of the bass on Berryessa.  13.89 pounds!  probably hard to get on a fly rod, but I have heard dragging a worm on the bottom is very effective. Also Pyramid is firing up if you want to catch a giant trout...
Otter 0 1404
No New Posts Mendo Natl Forest stream (Preview)
Anyone had eyes on Stony Creek recently? Havent been up there is a few years and wondering how it's flowing. The gauges are all lower down the river, below the reservoirs.
Rafdawg_34 6 2171
No New Posts Swing-Ku, South Fork Eel, March 2017 (Preview)
Gett'n itchy to go.  just feel'n like day trip'n, until the main event. California dreaming.   Along the river trail, the secret spot we all know well. fern and moss, encourage hopes. A perry poke and swing.   Around rivers bend. Todays perfect tail out found. Black and blue, swung into  shade 3 on 3 off...
Alpen Glow 0 1348
No New Posts novato creek (Preview)
anyone been up there? if so how is it? good or bad fishin
Daara 12 6546
No New Posts Sonoma county creeks (Preview)
Hi! I was wondering if anyone has fished, Adobe, Lynch, Lichau or other small creeks in the sonoma or marin area. I am looking for an adventure and to see some fish. Catch and release. anyone know access or rules?  Thanks 
md12345 3 1872
No New Posts Curing Shrimp for steelhead (Preview)
I want to cure a batch of shrimp for steelhead. (called coon shrimp) It's difficult to find whole small shrimp in the SF bay area to use. I've been thinking of using grass shrimp. They are easy enough to get with a small gage trap and a little bait. Has anyone tried curing them for steelhead? If so what was t...
East Bay Ed 7 1942
No New Posts Humboldt County (Preview)
i am getting the steelhead itch pretty bad right now.  i've been on the trinity river but want to explore some new areas, especially those with better access. Humbolt County areas open yet? Van Duzen River? Eel River? Mad River?  
DeckDog 1 1442
No New Posts Anyone fishing the Napa River (Preview)
With the spawn happening on Putah some of us have been fishing the Napa for stripers. It's been pretty good but can be hit and miss depending on the day and time. A boat, even a 12' with a small outboard makes getting to the fish a whole lot easier than fishing from shore. You don't need to run far so anything...
LelandFly 3 2592
No New Posts Yuba River Fishing (Preview)
With Putah Creek fishing tapering off to let the spawners do their job undisturbed, I plan to fish the Lower Yuba  whenever weather permits. The Yuba is a challenging river but when trout are in the mood, it can be a lot of fun. I usually fish upstream of the Hwy 20 bridge and start with nymphs. If fish i...
Fornacino 10 2285
No New Posts Any fans of the carp? (Preview)
sorry if this should be under rants and raves.  I've been trying to catch a carp in Vietnam on the fly.  Are there any carp fly fisherman that might have any advice?  Locals in Hanoi here use 12 foot long bamboo rods with a handspool of heavy mono; they attach a heavy sinker to a hook with some type of bait, a...
lairdbaird 0 1199
No New Posts New personal best! (Preview)
22.5" brown...from somewhere in the sierras.    
Packrat 6 1822
No New Posts Fishing for trout and stripers on the Lower Stanislaus. (Preview)
My pal from the down the street, Mike Swaney, aka "Bernard" is seriously guiding again.  if you're interested in catching stripers and trout in the same trip or just stripers, you should hire him to float the river.  Mike's been fishing the Stanny for like 30 years and is acquainted with each striper o...
iamamultitasker 0 1688
No New Posts Taken my dad to the truckee (Preview)
Can any one tell me a good spot to park and start walking. My dad in good shape but on the bigger side is there any where that I take take him and still cover water I know those places get hit hard not expecting. The best day just like to get him on a few fish.
erich 2 1492
No New Posts yuba-ku-7-24-2016-yuba-on-fire (Preview)
Sparrow, swung pulses. Big flash, rainbow kype-jawed. Oh, what a monster! Yesterday I fished the Yuba River with no expectations, just really going to field test this new ‪‎bamboo‬ quad ‪‎spey rod that I've been making over the past few months‬, to this date I revised the mid and tip section three tim...
Alpen Glow 0 1408
No New Posts Truckee River (Preview)
Going up to the Truckee tomorrow with a buddy.  Haven't fished it this year at all.  I usually fish nymphs during the day and little yellow sallies in the evening.  I like fishing with a large nymph (stonefly of some type) and a smaller dropper (copper john, hares ear, etc.)  I've had some success with m...
East Bay Ed 2 1501
No New Posts Stani-ku 5-1 thru 5-12, 2016 (Preview)
Forks of the Stani-ku 5-1 thru 5-12, 2016   Swallowtails and Mourning cloaks, Along the trail, between. Towering cedar and pine, we waltz.   Here again, A favorite spot, to cast and dream. Wow! big splash.   Under bloomed dogwood, this river spotted leopard,  My new friend.   Cascades of bubbles and f...
Alpen Glow 0 1317
No New Posts Mc cloud river tips (Preview)
Hey, I'm gonna go up to the mc cloud in a couple of weeks. Any info on flies , leaders , places would be reallny appreciated.      Thanks, mudhen -- Edited by mudhen on Saturday 16th of April 2016 05:11:08 PM
mudhen 1 1273
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