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Forum: Other Rivers, Streams and Lakes
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No New Posts Yuba pontoon float (Preview)
Hey All, Trying to find out any info on the float from highway 20, to either sycamore ranch or hammon grove.   Anybody do that float? Just got a new pontoon and wanted to make sure that it's not too advanced.  Thanks in advance.
WoolyBugger 2 1380
No New Posts Lower Sac Pontoon Float 4/18/16 (Preview)
I floated Bonnyview to Anderson yesterday in my pontoon.  It was a BEAUTIFUL warm day. Caught ~ 10 16-18" HARD fighting rainbows.  Half on #6 brown rubber legs and the other half on #16 Dark Lords.  I trailed a micro may all day without apparent interest...  Size 16 tan mayflies were in the air mid day. A...
DrDan 2 1413
No New Posts Yuba-Ku 4-16-2016 (Preview)
Drifting dry, mend. Lurking shadow bolts then rises. One fly, one fish.   Lavender and green, lupine beckon. Along the trail, memories of change. River of change, rushes.   Again and again, rhitogenia morrisoni, flavor of the moment. Oh the bend of cane.   With friends, we hike, new and old, we become...
Alpen Glow 0 1213
No New Posts Berryessa Bass from a float tube (Preview)
I'm planning on going to Berryessa sometime next week to fish the banks from a float tube.  Can anyone tell me the regs, as far as checking in/inspecting my float tube. Thank you.
WoolyBugger 4 1962
No New Posts Under the water. (Preview)
VladimirR 2 1402
No New Posts Berryessa bass (Preview)
Pre-spawn/staging is on.  Top 20 feet 
lightfoot 6 1461
No New Posts Yuba-Ku 3-8-2016 (Preview)
The wrong kinda boil and roll.Shaking my head.Turbid like a latte.Timing is just way to off.Another two weeks at least.If there's any bugs left.Almost ready to dream of somewhere else?Not really disappointed.But really was anticipating middle March.Where will the fish go.Where will we go?What...
Alpen Glow 0 1118
No New Posts Any suggestions for fishing the Moke (Preview)
Figured I let Putah rest one more week and was hoping to get some info about fishing the Moke below Camanche. Any info on flies, or locations will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
WoolyBugger 1 1039
No New Posts NZ Mudsnails found in lower feather river (Preview)​-mudsnails-detected-in-lower-feather-river-anglers​-and-boaters-urged-to-help-prevent-spread/-- Edited by SK60 on Sat...
SK60 4 985
No New Posts Russian River (Preview)
I  don't know if any of you fish the Russian River for steelhead, but there is some good news.  Someone on the Northern California Kayak forum posted some photos of the mouth open.  I called Kings in Guerneville just to make sure.  They confirmed that it wide open and they expect the Russian to rise to 20...
East Bay Ed 6 2184
No New Posts Little Truckee (Preview)
Has anyone attempted the little Truckee lately? Its my understanding that the water is open year round but nearly inaccessible this time of year. Any insight or suggestions for other water would be greatly appreciated.    
nclay 4 1032
No New Posts Help the Yuba (Preview)​drive-yuba-salmon-deserve-better/
DeckDog 0 928
No New Posts A great fishing trip to Davis and Pyramid Lakes. (Preview)
A few weeks ago Chris Yama (aka "Otter") and I went Davis Lake and then Pyramid Lake NV. Davis was a little slow, but the fish were averaging close to 20 inches.  Chris and I both landed 22"ers which were a lot hotter than I remember them.  Two of mine took me into the backing.  Chris caug...
iamamultitasker 8 1715
No New Posts Lower Stan. Fly box found (Preview)
Found a fly box on the lower Stan below the dam last thursday. If it is yours, send me a note and describe the contents and I'll get it to you.  
WoolyBugger 2 1159
No New Posts Gettin' Golden (Preview)
Gettin' Golden, Summer Sonnet 8-16-2015   Leaves gently quake. Dark sky settles in, like afternoon whisky.   Looking up at trees, cathedral of nature. Sounds of distant thunder.   Through stunted aspens, twisted and bent from snow, still rising.   We traverse,  talus ahead, beyond,  Lamarck Col....
Alpen Glow 0 1030
No New Posts Lower Yuba (Preview)
Has anybody fished the Lower Yuba recently? Water flow looks good for wading across and I'm planning to get an early start Thursday and fish through the  morning till it gets too hot to fish. Am I wasting time by going? Any recommendations for nymphs or dries? I just have to get out with my fly rod before I...
Fornacino 1 1134
No New Posts Lower Yuba (Preview)
For those of you waiting for spawning season to end at Putah...  I went to the Lower Yuba on Sat and caught a few 14 inchers, plus hooked a few other good sized ones.  My buddy caught one in the 24 inch range, and hooked another that was probably 18+.   The rain and recent high flows added some tint, which I he...
clubby 9 2462
No New Posts Upper Sac (Preview)
Upper Sac; Touch of Evil  5-16-2015 Above the loop,river rush and froth. Stirring,fins golden dart. Spots black, red andhaloed. Sudden jolts, viscous shake.Back into the depths. Dry and dropper,today, I a bit evil.To hand, a rivers annals.  I never really liked to fish this one section of the U...
Alpen Glow 0 1103
No New Posts crooked river oregon at smith rocks SP? (Preview)
Anybody familiar with this area? Lookin at may June visit between Crater lake and and Salmon river (Mt Hood area)
browndude3649 3 1138
No New Posts Yuba Moire, April 2015 (Preview)
Swifts and Swallows,dart up then around.Swoop the spinner fall. Ripples on the surface.Moire tapestry, rocks and stonescamouflage my spotted friend. An insect potpourri.Pick your poison.Morrisoni still on the menu. Isoperla fulva pop.In the willows their mating dance,Grass moon apogee...
Alpen Glow 0 813
No New Posts Yuba-ku 3-13-2013 (Preview)​-3-13-2015.html-- Edited by Alpen Glow on Satu...
Alpen Glow 0 875
No New Posts yuba-Ku 1-30-2015 (Preview)
Under waxing gibbous moon, mossy rock bottom, we cross prudent. With Kman in tow,                     leaky wadders. Riffles of rises full. From the rock of power, Skwalas! Virgin Quad's first fish.
Alpen Glow 0 970
No New Posts Berryessa (Preview)
Anyone fishing up there? I'm off this week (unplanned) and a looming for info or to meet up. thinking trout on top or maybe carp? Thanks, Paul    
paul 7 1779
No New Posts yuba-Ku 1-16-2015 (Preview)
 Yuba Rock of Power ode to Howard and Jim Siphlonurus surface skate.Crouching leopard, rainbows porppus.subtle emergence. Cast and mend, fureld leader spider's web.Flossed in the jaw,palmerd hackle hooked tight.
Alpen Glow 0 1205
No New Posts Yuba-Ku 1-2-2014 (Preview)
Slow slow, slow, tiny tug.No ring, no rise.Quite as a tomb. Baetis tenuous in the drift.Still no rise.Cobbled river bed, ankles ache. In the slot,Sudden wink, kype jaw rises.Mano a Mano.​-1-2-2015.html
Alpen Glow 0 813
No New Posts Yuba-Ku 12-26-2014 (Preview)
Along the edge, We,searching, fish watch hidden.Luna and I. Wind, skittered surface,Along soft edges, they gather.Tiny gray sails. High ride the riffle,my Baetis dry drift, mend.Moon over Pisces. Follow the green,you'll find chrome.Laughing river flow. http://tonysalpenglow.blogsp...
Alpen Glow 0 767
No New Posts Pit question (Preview)
Does the Pit #3 tend to get blown out with the type of rain we have been getting the last week or so?  Basically, what does it take to muddy Lake Britton?
lightfoot 0 906
No New Posts Yuba today (Preview)
Well another great day on the Yuba…   Bright silver fish and full of fight.  Quit arguing about the little creek and hike for some real fish.  The fish were keying on small pmds size 18 and midges size 20.  Don't use an egg they don't work.
Otter 6 1051
No New Posts yuba begin again 12-1-2014 (Preview)
No dataclysm here, Only in the raw. Either your catching or not. No magic rectangle held in your hand can tell you the code. Only an observant eye can have a chance to crack it. It is nature, adjusting to its moment. Only ego must observe and adjust to become ever present in its flow. Nature has no ego.   Ope...
Alpen Glow 0 761
No New Posts Farewell MF (Preview)
Frosty moon apogee,wanning like my feet.The long hike,to Spring Gap. Returning, casting to rises,The Pleiades guides usabove quaking leaves,Maple and Ash. fish,colored like fall trees,sipping baetis,in the drift. final day,we retreate by lamp light.until April my friend. alpenglowfl...
Alpen Glow 0 961
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