A friend  gave me an old  jc higgins  click n paw  reel  and it seems  it has been put together wrong  or I dont know?  Does anyone have any  experience with these old style reels  and be willing to take a look see  and let me know what they think  is the problem    I would love to get it working    Please feel free to contact  me  directley  at
707 294-4738  Thanks   Richard From Napa
-- Edited by rgloft on Sunday 30th of September 2012 09:15:48 PM
-- Edited by rgloft on Sunday 30th of September 2012 09:16:33 PM
It is !  The Problem with the reel  is that    well,  "its old"   Ha Ha  ,  In side  there is a coil spring  That I removed< The spool has a tit that fits into a hole in a gear . That gears teeth do the clicking.  With me so far!  Well anyway  I removed the spring because it only served to keep the tit from staying  in the hole it was  desinged to fit into     so by removing  the spring  the tit  is able go into the hole on the gear   but there is a small bit of extra space between the two  and the spring only adds to that problem    so I think  I need a spacer pushing the spool  towards the gear  not away  like the spring does     Way to hard to explain in writing     Maybe  that guy from Sweeneys   whats his name   ashton   ?  maybe he can figure it out    Hey  Allistier   Whats up  !!!!  <@(())><   Long time no see  . Good to hear from you   Give Me A call sometime  707 294-4738  Â
Oh Ya Allistair. <  one more thing   I finnally figured out the creek  In the last year  and im not talking about  spawners  im talking  just plain old  adult, mature, Fish     I have landed  lets see  one wellover  4lbs  probabley closer to 5 lbs  and a few  in the 2 to 3 lb range      its ammazing landing a fish that size   no joke  No lie  not every time  but  its been  really cool  catching  some  pigs  I allways knew there was some big fish in there  LOL   TTL Alastair   good hearing from  you  Richard OUT    Â
-- Edited by rgloft on Monday 1st of October 2012 12:33:28 AM
"Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn." - Anon.