Glad to read, you have no guilt...Sounds like a very sweet combo. I was playing around with "keyword search" last night, typed in rod, and WHAM-read your old post.
Love that addition of the search function--able to read over older threads/posts...tons of learning!
Thanks again for the tips.
-- Edited by Flying Dutchman at 08:19, 2008-01-27
There's no greater fan of fly fishing than the worm...
own, make, same difference. just like ford and mercury, same difference. and as jt said, redington made in korea.
Fishing isnt about catching fish, its not about who caught the most, or who caught the biggest, its about the experience that you have on the water, and the life long bonds you make with others on the journey to becoming a better person inside.
I bought a 8wt St Croix last year about this time and knocked a easy $100.00 buck off on Ebay with warrinty card all brand new still in factory packaging. There are lats of good deals on Ebay at this time. What happens all the fly shops have a set price from the rod manufacture and cant change the price, or the rod manufacture will not let the shop sell there product. But when the new line 2008 modles come out they can sell the old modle for whatever they want. And there is a big markup on those rods. So I am told. Just my 2cents
God does not subtract from your life the hours you spend fishing. Â Â Herbert Hoover.