LLANDUDNO, Wales, July 11 (UPI) -- Solar scientists, armed with the best data yet regarding the activities of the sun, say the Earth is headed for a "mini ice age" in just 15 years -- something that hasn't happened for three centuries.
Professor Valentina Zharkova, of the University of Northumbria, presented the findings at the National Astronomy Meeting in Wales this week, Britain's Independent reported Saturday.
Researchers, saying they understand solar cycles better than ever, predict that the sun's normal activity will decrease by 60 percent around 2030 -- triggering the "mini ice age" that could last for a decade. The last time the Earth was hit by such a lull in solar activity happened 300 years ago, during the Maunder Minimum, which lasted from 1645 to 1715.
Scientists say there are magnetic waves in the sun's interior that fluctuate between the body's northern and southern hemispheres, resulting in various solar conditions over a period of 10 to 12 years. Based on that data, researchers say they are now better able to anticipate the sun's activity -- which has led to the Zharkova team's prediction.
"Combining both [magnetic] waves together and comparing to real data for the current solar cycle, we found that our predictions showed an accuracy of 97 percent," Zharkova said.
If the "mini ice age" does indeed arrive, scientists say it will be accompanied by bitter cold winters -- frigid enough to cause rivers, like the Thames in London, to freeze over.
Winter eats heat the way darkness swallows light. The terrors of failed power and frozen stems are stymied with fire, smoke and white ash.
Al Gore made a hundred million dollars on fear-mongering about global warming. With the hundred million dollars he made on the issue he should be able to make some changes in the right direction but he didn't. If he truly believes in it he would spend that money on environmental issues instead of keeping it for his kids. According to him his kids won't even have a place to live so why would they need the money?
The reality is that he is the chief of the thought police and creator of carbon taxing and regulation. He is poised to the world's first carbon billionaire. Now they're going after everybody's individual water wells in California, capping and metering them as well. They take away your right to heat your home, drive your car, and drink your own water. All the while becoming billionaires and building an empire for their vampire children. It's disgusting.
Metering wells should require that the government pays for the tens of thousands of dollars required to install and maintain said wells. That is ****ing bull**** and, as someone who grew up on a well taking 2 minute showers during the late 80s/early 90s drought, would be outright unfair considering the "unlimited" water use that many city folk enjoy and abuse.
Ah yes, the imminent ice age myth is back. The problem is that even accounting for a significant reduction in insolation, the small decrease in temperature would be completely overwhelmed by the increase in temperature due to rising CO2 levels. Also, the MWP gets trotted out as some kind of evidence that AGW false and is a favorite of denialists, as they see it as some sort of smoking gun. However, they fail to consider the studies that show - NOAA for example - that temperatures today are higher than during the MWP. Furthermore, the MWP was a regional phenomenon that was localized to the North Atlantic. A localized phenomenon would only contribute minimally to the total heat content of the planet, but this is a subtlety that denialists fail to grasp. Popular media is not the place to get an accurate picture of what the results are in the scientific literature. Here are a few articles worth reading - go directly to the source.
Esper J. Science, 2002. Huang S Geophys, Res, 2004. Huang S. Nature, 2000. Hughes Climatic Change, 1994. Jones, P.D. The Holocene, 1998. Kerwin M. Paleoceanography, 1999. Moberg A Nature, 2005. National Research Council (NRC) 2006. Surface Temperature Reconstructions For the Last 2,000 Years. Lockwood M., et al., Frost fairs, sunspots and the Little Ice Age, Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 58, Issue 2, 1 April 2017.