I stopped by the california Fly shop earlier this week and it looked like a place that wasn't doing well. The rod racks were almost empty and they seemed to be holding very little stock in everything from reels to nets to fly boxes.
Hopefully they are just in a restocking cycle. Can't afford to lose another shop.
-- Edited by Bob Loblaw on Thursday 29th of August 2013 08:56:45 PM
There's a line from No Country for Old Men where a Sheriff from a neighboring county says to Sheriff Bell, in regards to border violence and cultural shifts, "Well, all that is signs and wonders but it don't tell you how it got that way." All these recent economical shifts and the inability of family/small businesses in America to stay afloat makes me think of that line all the time.
Sidenote, if you're a fan of good literature, Cormac McCarthy is worth a read. But only if you don't mind Faulknerian darkness and hopelessness.