I was up with Steve doing one of our final spawning fish census counts during late February. There was no longer any spawning activity, but a couple of fish still hanging out. As I was in the water counting redd's, something caught my eye in the water. I bent over and picked up this cool trout lure, pictured below, between the redd's. I'm not sure that I've ever seen anyone fish a Rapala with one single barbless hook before.
As you can see, this gem was manufactured to carry two treble hooks, neither which was attached any longer. I can only imagine what the person who was casting this lure was doing???????
I think we should construct a rogues gallery of misfit lures found on the creek and start a display. I have an old wooden 6" pike minnow without hooks from Access 5. I wonder why all these lures were in use since they would choke even a large fish?