I live in the North Bay and have fly fished for years and have yet to fish Putah Creek. I drove right past the turn off to Putah on 505 last weekend on the way to fish the Lower Sac. I had a great day up there, but I really want to learn it the creek especially with gas prices going up. Any ideas for fly selection? I understand small is good?
Hi Bruce M, The vast majority of fish I've caught on Putah have taken smaller dropper fly in a two fly setup. I typically go with a # 16-18 bead head nymph such as a prince, copper john, pt, birds nest or caddis pattern and drop a # 18-22 midge pattern such as a zebra, brassie, disco midge etc. I usually go with 5x flourocarbon to the big fly then 6x to the dropper. There are times when they're feeding on emergers and you can fool 'em with rs2's, wd40's and assorted other emergers, but this action , like anywhere else depends on whether or not and emergence is in progress. They will also wack wooly buggers and bigger stuff, but I think going small offers the higher percentage of success. Good luck!, Viking