Was just reading on Kiens about Diane Fienstien amending a bill to start up the Delta pumps again and thought I would share this with you all. There is a pre writen letter and link to Fienstien that I think you all should take a look at.
From Kiens fly shop message board.
Save the Salmon!!
I just got the following information from my brother:
"In case you haven't heard, Senator Feinstein is on the verge of imposing federal legislation to lift Delta pumping restrictions. This will have serious impacts on our 2012 salmon run. Those fish are in the river as we speak, trying to make their way out to sea.
You can call Feinstein's office at 415 393 0707 and encourage Feinstein NOT to lift the pumping restrictions, and say why - that our runs are in critical need of both water and safe passage to the ocean. You can also email her at this link:
Dear Senator Feinstein, I am writing to let you know that I support the NMFS Biological Opinion, which favors pumping restrictions in order to preserve the Sacramento River's chinook salmon run. Our salmon runs are at historically low numbers, and without adequate river flows and safe passage to the ocean, they are likely to go extinct before long.
Please consider the plight of our salmon and our salmon-fishing industry before lifting any Delta pumping restrictions."
If you can take the time to call or email Feinstein's office, I think you'd be doing a good deed for future salmon runs and the health of the delta in general!
There was also a second letter by another member.
Dear Senator Feinstein,
"It's my understanding that you intend to place a proposal to establish a minimum water allocation for California agriculture over the next two years regardless of the availability of water from run-off/storage. I want to strongly oppose any introduction of such a proposal until after completion of the review by the National Academy of science (you commissioned) is completed and results are available for review. Any such proposal would tend to undermine credibility of the review and the current order/oversight by the USDC in Fresno.
I support the NMFS Biological Opinion and Judge Wengers decision/oversight, which favors pumping restrictions in order to preserve the Delta Smelt/Sacramento River's chinook salmon runs. Spawning of both species are at historically low numbers, and without adequate flows and safe passage to the ocean, they are likely to be pushed go extinction."
God does not subtract from your life the hours you spend fishing. Herbert Hoover.
Wow so now she wants to do something that's gonna hurt the salmon run... Wasn't it just last year that she wanted to lift the bass and striper regs to help the salmon run? So what does she wanna do? Help them or kill them? They have no idea what they're doing!