�One thing i've noticed this year, at least on the Yuba.....Pretty darn good fall run, one of the better one's ive seen (although i hear that the feather had a down year, which is odd considering the yuba was probably up as far as counts go). �
One of the WORST winter runs i have seen, didn't see more than a dozen late run salmon. �I know that there is more at play then fish mortality due to fishing (e.g. super low flows), but i wonder how much of an impact this years late salmon fishing season had on the winter run salmon. �I was curious how people were going to fair, fishing late in the year for salmon, so I would check the fishsniffer board fairly often, and it seemed like they had a pretty decent success rate, with boats averaging probably 1 fish per baot (mind you it seemed like a TONE of people were fishing so these numbers add up quickly). �
Given the good fall run, with no fishing pressure, and the piss poor winter run, with tons of pressure, and the discrepancies between rates of return, i wonder just how big of an impact the fishing had?�
all of a man's addictions end and begin when he learns to fly fish