Sehoner - It is nice to see other people out their educating themselves about the state of our currency and what is slowly happening to our country now that our money is fiat. Many people think the dollar is still backed by gold and that the Federal Reserve is actually part of our Government.
I have been ignorant on this topic for a long time and really started to wake up with all of the bail out talks being thrown around. I started to ask myself how can govt talk about 900 billion $ bailouts in one breathe and tax cuts in the next. Where does the money come from?
The best education I found while trying to figure this out was a book called The Creature From Jekyll Island. There are some good You Tube videos that give an overview for those that don't like BIG books.
Needless to say my eyes are open now. I took what our government says and does at face value. The ignorance is bliss statement fit me well. Education lets you see through some of the bull being fed to our society and will hopefully allow you to take steps to keep your own butt intact through our slow decline towards modern day feudalism/socialism/Fabianism or whatever.
Unfortunately, there are large elite social groups with agendas aimed directly at our freedoms. These are not ignorant people. However, they realize that ignorant people can be gradually molded over time. Psychological mass education over long periods of time can take over a society much easier than an in your face forced revolution. It just takes longer and is called gradualism.
With the exception of the above, I agree with JMO32, doomsday prophecies get a little old. Most doomsday prophecies, and doom and gloom are just BS used to create stress. Psychologically people are more impressionable and easier to slip things past when they are under stress.
Ever notice how with each stressful event society faces our government seems to use it to remove rights or impose more regulation. The Patriot act came in after 911. Weapons of mass destruction lead most of us into supporting going into Iraq. I even fell for that one. Now we are afraid of a depression so we will let them further wreck our country with bailouts and additional regulations.
Lightfoot- Gradualism, and the taking advantage of stress, is abundantly clear in your detailed overview of the British decline of gun rights.
Not tomorrow, possibly within our lifetime or in the next generations lifetime, us and many other nations will be broke, will have no rights, and will be stressed to the point where we will be begging government, and the elite, to save us and will let them impose whatever ideals they desire. The cycle will be complete.
If education and knowledge becomes hard to digest then fishing is highly recommended. It is more blissful than ignorance.
Very well put Jeff, its very refreshing to see people like yourself and others on this site have been doing their homework. Complacency and ignorance is a very dangerous thing! Bono
Jeff ... outstanding! I paraphrased you as follows on my facebook page.
There are large elite social groups with agendas aimed directly at our freedoms. These are not ignorant people. They realize that ignorant people can be gradually molded over time.
Psychological mass education over long periods of time can take over a society much easier than blatant revolution. It just takes longer and is called gradualism.
Paraphrased from a friends post to another site. All decisions, large and small, shape our countries destiny. Don't let persistant fear mongering, weaken you. Observe and have an opinion.
Don't be ignorant ... taken literally, this is not an insult, but a plea. We live in times that require vigilance.
You've touched on a phenomenon that is clearly shaping our existence FAR beyond gun control and related issues! Well done.
Once you consciously acknowledge that this is occuring, it can become consuming and troubling. Having an opionion "is and will" be vital.
"You tell yourself that it will be both educational and spiritually uplifting, as all imaginative excuses for goofing off are." John Gierach, "Music of the Spheres".