Hey if anyone has any good tips on tying secure wings with deer hair on dry flies let me know. Lately when I tie one on, it wants to slide around and not stay on top of the hook. It is really frustrating but there has to be some secret to it. Thanks, Conefish
"In the long run, fishing usually amounts to a lifetime of pratfalls punctuated by rare moments of perfection"
You really have to hold it in place with your fingers, do your first 3 or 4 wraps kinda loose. Then slowly tighten each successive wrap. What you are encountering by mistake is called spinning deer hair....which comes in handy when tying certain patterns, like a deer hair mouse and others.
Also, before you tie on the deer hair, make sure that you have a good thread base at the butt of your fly. This will also help it stay on top. Good luck tying!
Fishing isn't a matter of life and death....
It's much more important.