Any more fly sets Packrat?. You last few guys need to get your sh$& together and get them in. Mine came in suuuper late and that was a month ago. It's not like I need them but come on. I'm already waiting for the second swap. Rich I hope all is well with your daughter.
I don't know often ChucktheDuck and LilWhippersnapper check this site, but it's been a few days since either of them have logged in. ChucktheDuck last logged in 5 days ago, and LilWhippersnapper logged in 8 days ago.
"Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught."
Chuck the duck and littlewhippersnapper still haven't logged in yet for a while. I know its not my choice when to drop them but i am getting pretty restless to see those flies... Anyone that has any contact info on either of them should definitely get a hold of them.
Fishing isn't a matter of life and death....
It's much more important.
I was thinking the same thing. I'll contact everyone this weekend who did participate and let them know the plan. We'll end up with 3 extra sets of the flies that were tied and we can just give those away to 3 of the younger guys on here. I know Darra was mentioned as one of the kids to get a set...