Brian and I hit the Yuba yesterday and it was a bit different from last week.� After talking with Brian on the phone Thursaday night, he said there was a chance of showers.� After hearing this, as an afterthought I threw in a rain shell and fleece.� When we got up to the Yuba, it was cold and windy (20-30 MPH winds).��
To make a long story short, Brian knocked a couple down, including one off of a dry, and had a miss or two.� I was o for 3, 2 solid takes.� A solid strikeout swinging.� Lost one to being lazy, and another to a poorly tied knot - both on the dry.�There are two nice rainbows trolling around in the Yuba with my fies in their mouth. The good new is that they're still taking that same dry, which is a fly I got in Montana for their stonefly hatch last year. �Had a big boy break me off on the nymph.� Brian's fish were beauties, lots of color.
We got rained on pretty hard for 15 minutes or so in the PM.� All in all, fishing is always great, but there are many great days on the Yuba coming up in the next 2 months.��
We stopped in Marysville for dinner and found a girl with a warm hart.� Funny story.� PM us and either one of us can tell you, a good laugh.
what a day. i couldnt ask for anything better, well maybe no wind. but hey sometimes you have to work with what you have.
well i finally caught my first fish on a dry, and it was crazy, saw a flash then there he was, came almost completely out of the water. it was sweet, the fish wet 18-19"s, i didnt miss another one not to long after that, he hit it hard as well, and well i was lettin out line to drift staight down stream, just to much line in the water to pick up and set the hook, oh well.
later in the day did some 4x4ing, and went to sycamore ranch, and it was my second cast i hooked a fish on a pupah, nice 17"er, landed took and pick and off she went.
the rain was funny, one minute it was nice then came the rain, then it cleared up like nothing even happened.
thank bob, that was a blast, might have to do the other streams we was talking about. you and i both have never hit them so it should be fun, actually have to read the water, and put our skills to the test.
cant wait.
again thanks brian
Fishing isnt about catching fish, its not about who caught the most, or who caught the biggest, its about the experience that you have on the water, and the life long bonds you make with others on the journey to becoming a better person inside.
What dry were you using, if I might ask Brian?� I was planning on heading up one day this week as I am on spring break.� My plan was skwala stones, but any other suggestions would be welcome.� Thanks.
Fishing isnt about catching fish, its not about who caught the most, or who caught the biggest, its about the experience that you have on the water, and the life long bonds you make with others on the journey to becoming a better person inside.
Phil, if you check out that fly I had pictures of on my last Yuba post, anything similar to it on size, shape and color should produce.� I had two takes on that same fly Friday, including one in flat, slow water.� Given the conditions, I would definitely keep going with that (or something similar) fly in the near future.
I agree Brian, plenty of more fishing to hit.� I'm planning on putting that Truckee run together, as we have a place in Truckee.� Lots of bed space, 9 in beds to be exact.� As I'm quickly surveying my calendar, I'm busy all of June (2 weekends and the week flyfishing in Montana!), as well as the first two weekends in July.� I'm thinking about Memorial day weekend.� People could come up for the whole haul, or just a couple of days, whatever works out.� It'll�might be just a tiny bit early in the season, or it might be perfect.� I'll get definitive info out in a week or two.�� I'm thinking about a Sierra�slam on the drive up.� Hit the Lower Yuba, North Fork Yuba, Little Truckee and Truckee in one day!!!!� If planned correctly, and leaving early, it give you about 2 hours fishnig on each river for the day.
I was also talking to Brian about a weekend run to the NF Yuba.� Great fishing, reasonable accomodations, great steakhouse and watering hole in Downieville.� Just another thought.
Hey, I too had a blast Brian.� A lot of good laughs, etc.� That's what this is all about.
Thanks Bob.� I did see that post and have several flies similar to that one as well as some skwala dries that the guys at American Fly have been using with success lately.
bob you are so right, its all about having fun, which we did. oh i forgot to mention what else i caught, bob you didnt see it but i showed you not to long after it happened.
trying to get to a nice shelf on the other side of the river, i had to walk in 2-3ft deep water, it was running to fast but anyways i got out there and realized that it didnt look all that good, so i turned around and thats when it happend, my bad knee (left one)(well both are bad) but my left one gave out and down i went, my whole left side got soaked. up to my neck. even got a few water drops on the glasses. but even though i got a half dunk, the rod stayed high and dry. so got out took the cotton hoody off, and my thermal longsleeve off, wringed them out, and let them sit for a lil bit, while i fish with my t-shirt one, no takes and kinda cold. so about 30mins past put the thermals back on and the cotton hoody in the bag.
after that i caught fish, so i wasnt complaining.
it was a great day, even if we didnt catch fish. cant wait to do another trip with you bob. you let me know when, and ill try to make it. hopefully ill have my jeep wrangler soon, maybe by the end of the week. its still hard to say, but if and when i get it we can mob up in that thing.
Fishing isnt about catching fish, its not about who caught the most, or who caught the biggest, its about the experience that you have on the water, and the life long bonds you make with others on the journey to becoming a better person inside.