Congratulations Brother, Welcome to the ranks of the happy, but weary!
"You tell yourself that it will be both educational and spiritually uplifting, as all imaginative excuses for goofing off are." John Gierach, "Music of the Spheres".
cogrates jt. glad she and the baby are going well. how are u holding up.
Fishing isnt about catching fish, its not about who caught the most, or who caught the biggest, its about the experience that you have on the water, and the life long bonds you make with others on the journey to becoming a better person inside.
The baby, Evelyn, is so small. When I first held her, I thought, "I've held fish bigger than her." She was born at 19" long and weighed 6 lbs 5 oz.
I guess I'm holding up alright. I'm pretty tired. It's tough, because I don't get to sleep much, and I'm right at the end of the quarter in school (projects and final exams). I think I'll make it, though.
"Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught."
Congratulations JT on the new baby girl. Man I don't know how you do it. Full time school, full time work and now full time dad. It is like you have three jobs. Keep up the good work.
In a few years we are all going to get our butts out fished by JT and his daughter Evelyn... congrats big pappa to you and your family.I love the name you choose for her.. mx19
Oh JT, what a beautiful name. So glad to hear such great news. Babies are wonderful, aren't they? Such a gift from God and a total leap of faith on your part. I have only had the pleasure of meeting you once, but I feel confident that you are going to be a great Daddy. Good luck with your finals and projects. Had all three of my babies while their Dad was in grad school at I understand your situation. Have a wonderful Christmas with your new little one.
conjrats JT! good luck holding out with the baby! i should know, my cousin just had one and i am there at her house, taking care of her baby all the time. they are so cool aren't they?
JT, congratulations! Your little girl will bring a new light/joy to you and your wife. Treasure these next few years. Hang in there...the long nights will pass eventually. Look who's talking...Got to go--my number two just woke up!!!
There's no greater fan of fly fishing than the worm...