just wondering how do i go about using the bwo cdc emerger, it looks like thats what would work great in the morning time on putah, just tryin to up my chances in the morning its really slow for me until about 10 am, so whats good to use in the morning, and how do i use the emerger,
thanks guys
Fishing isnt about catching fish, its not about who caught the most, or who caught the biggest, its about the experience that you have on the water, and the life long bonds you make with others on the journey to becoming a better person inside.
The best way to fish an emerger is with very little to no weight. Drift it like you would a nymph and at the end of the drift just let it hang down stream from you for a few seconds...you'll be surprised how many fish you'll catch like that. It's called swinging and immitates a bug emerging from the river bed to the surface. (see below)
It's not so much the time of day as it is what the bugs and fish are doing. If you don't see any fish rising at all then using a dry fly is not a good idea so use a nymph or emerger. If fish are rising all over the place but all you see is the nose sticking out of the surface and very little surface disturbance then chances are they are feeding on spent adult insects or egg depositing insects. If fish rising are aggressively splashing and tail slapping then they are most likely taking emergers as they rise from the river bed to the surface to hatch. All this is pretty general information. As you get more experience and tips from everyone you'll start to figure it out and know what fly to use and when to use it. You can't go wrong with a good nymph like a pheasant tail or hares ear pretty much anytime, anywhere.
Send me your address and I'll send you a couple of different flies I tie and how to fish them.