All: PCT is reminding anglers to complete the online survey. The angler survey boxes located in the 128 bridge parking lots contain business cards with the QR Code that are convenient to take and use with your phone's camera. Also you can use this link:
to pull up the survey. Adding your email enters you for drawings of fly gear that will start after Covid 19 slows down.
To date 80 surveys have been tallied and the results indicate that few young of year are in the creek with only 7% of the total caught. This is much lower than previous surveys that had 20+% in this cohort. But we need many more surveys (300 for the year would match the numbers for past years) to increase confidence in this number. This data is one of the few ways CDFW can practically assess the health and stability of the fishery. It will help guide guide practices that will assure wild trout are around to catch in the future.