64 cfs and sight casting to spawners. Putah lives on. It seems the majority of those fishing are down around the island but there are peeps all up and down the system on any given evening.
Winter eats heat the way darkness swallows light. The terrors of failed power and frozen stems are stymied with fire, smoke and white ash.
I only saw one red around the island. The beaver damed up the front side and flows are super low over there. That area has good gravel but not enough water. The beaver dam should be removed.
Anyone make it to the creek this weekend? Really curious to see how the spawn is coming along.
With creek flow so low, I've turned to the Lower Yuba. Got 3 rainbows (one 18" with a hare's ear) and 2 steelheads last week and yesterday a couple of rainbows on dry flies. And lots of room up and down the river.