Well, is it over the top yet?
It's getting there
this should give you a good idea of where it's at.
I haven't confirmed yet, but apparently this pic is from yesterday afternoon?
Winter eats heat the way darkness swallows light. The terrors of failed power and frozen stems are stymied with fire, smoke and white ash.
Cedarville, Mi
As of this afternoon there are 7" to go. Probably will spill Friday.
PCT Contact Info: putahcreektrout@gmail.com, SK60@putahcreektrout.orgAddress: Putah Creek Trout, 1520 East Covell Blvd, Suite 5, #331, Davis CA 95616Visit our website at www.putahcreektrout.org
As of 10:15 PM, 0.1' to go. And they are monkeying with the flows.
Went over the top early this morning. Flows are going up
mudhen wrote:up to 1700 now. I expect it will rise even higher. Is this enough to start removing the mud?
up to 1700 now. I expect it will rise even higher. Is this enough to start removing the mud?
I think so. Took less for it to move that mud around.
"On Tuesday, water was flowing into the gloryhole at around two million gallons a minute,
which is just a small fraction of how fast it can get."