sorry if this should be under rants and raves. I've been trying to catch a carp in Vietnam on the fly. Are there any carp fly fisherman that might have any advice? Locals in Hanoi here use 12 foot long bamboo rods with a handspool of heavy mono; they attach a heavy sinker to a hook with some type of bait, and can cast almost as far as a spinning rod. Some guys let it sit until they get a fish, others are definitely walking the banks and dragging their line in the shallows to snag them...apparently ok here. I've been using an 8 weight with a sinking line (fish up to 30 lbs), long leader in case they're leader shy, and stripping streamers I tied that look like some carp flies I've seen pictures of. have gotten very funny looks with a fly rod, think fishing for sport/C&R is unheard of. anyway, any insight would be greatly appreciated.