Its not very often I post on here anymore, however, I could use your help to receive a grant for my personal fly fishing guide service, Nor Cal Fly Guides.
A few weeks ago, I came across a grant that Chase Bank is giving out to small businesses across the US. There are a few steps needed to possibly receive this grant. The first step was to fill out an application, which mine was accepted, so I was able to move on to the next step. This next step is to get 250 votes via Facebook by June 19th 2015. If I receive 250 votes, then my application will go to the last step of the approval process where a panel will make the final decision.
I am currently at 178 votes, and only need 72 votes to get the opportunity to receive this grant.
The voting is done through Facebook, and you can do this by visiting my Nor Cal Fly Guides business page, as well as my personal facebook page.
Click on the attached link in the post: Nor Cal Fly Guides-Chase Mission Main Street Grants. This will go to the voting page for NCFG, then click the blue vote box. Its easy, simple, only takes a minute of your time. It's also completely anonymous and no info is needed.
Here is the direct link to the voting page, you will be prompted to log into facebook.
This grant will allow Nor Cal Fly Guides to do new and great things. Every vote counts and is greatly appreciated. You can even share the url or the link on your Facebook page as well.
Please help a local guide take his personal guide service to the next level!
Thank you for view and your time Brian Clemens Nor Cal Fly Guides
Fishing isnt about catching fish, its not about who caught the most, or who caught the biggest, its about the experience that you have on the water, and the life long bonds you make with others on the journey to becoming a better person inside.
Thanks for the vote Dan, looking forward to our Oct trip. Spot and stalk, oh my.
Lightfoot What do you mean?
-- Edited by brian clemens on Thursday 11th of June 2015 05:51:00 PM
Fishing isnt about catching fish, its not about who caught the most, or who caught the biggest, its about the experience that you have on the water, and the life long bonds you make with others on the journey to becoming a better person inside.
Typically when someone applies for a grant, they have a proposal to justify or support their request for funding. It states how much money is going to be allocated for each portion of the proposal.
If your grant proposal was to purchase large quantities of beer so you could "discharge" into the local river to increase flows and support the fisheries, you probably wouldn't get funding. If your proposal was stream habitat restoration with money needs for tools, equipment, signage costs and volunteer support with a cost breakdown, you would have a better chance at receiving funding.
Winter eats heat the way darkness swallows light. The terrors of failed power and frozen stems are stymied with fire, smoke and white ash.
I will be making improvements/adding to all of my equipment and guide service, while expanding my ability to guide on more rivers, lakes, delta and streams, as well as offering more intro classes/lessons. It will also allow me to donate even more trips to various organizations.
Thank you to all those that have voted, and to those that will be voting.
I currently have 221 votes, only 29 to go by June 19th. If I reach 250 votes by that date, I will then have the opportunity to be presented to the approval panel, and possibly receive this grant.
Thank you
Tight Lines
Fishing isnt about catching fish, its not about who caught the most, or who caught the biggest, its about the experience that you have on the water, and the life long bonds you make with others on the journey to becoming a better person inside.