Today marked the end of the second wintertime spawning survey that PCT has assisted HWTP with. No fish were seen at the survey sites today and have been dwindling in numbers recently. DFG is in the process of analyzing last year's data, but it appears that the numbers of fish is about the same this year, but more of them used unusual locations due to a lack of suitable habitat. It became obvious that gravel armored with silt was a major problem. The most used site was the one that DFG/PCT cleared of silt and weeds in the fall, but it appeared that the same gravel was being used repeatedly by different fish which can reduce spawning success by knocking previously laid eggs out of the redds. The other two sites monitored by PCT had only a handful of fish attempting to spawn.
While the spawn is over, the development of the eggs and alevins within the redds is just beginning. This will go on for the next 60 days until at least April 15. Since that's tax day, that may be an easy way to remember to stay out of the gravel beds above tail outs and the riffles below the tail outs. A specific area to avoid is "Deer Sign". There are no fish there now or in the side channel, so you can avoid any missteps by not fishing the area. Otherwise, go fish.