Oh wow, I see they basically doubled the cfs overnight. Isn't that a bit like a man made flash flood?I'm not particularly knowledgeable about watershed and stream conservation, but I can only imagine this bears negative impact. Any other information/opinions? Info would probably be better.
"There is no place I fit in so well as a stream...Fishing ties me into the world of water and animals it contains, into mystery and something so primitive and valuable inside me."---Seth Norman
Flow changes in this range during the winter are due to many factors, but are primarily a result of demand from the SCWA customers and pulses to help the salmon migrating from the Sac river to the diversion dam. In PC at winter flows, a change in flow of each 50 cfs raises or lowers the creek by about 1" at the gaging station and a bit more at the narrower points, so it is noticeable. It can move the fish around a bit during the changes, but doesn't necessarily ruin the fishing.