We've received disturbing information from SCWA that the lead weighted redd markers have been removed from at least one spawning study area at the head of the guide run (aka guide hole). If you have any information on who is doing this please send PM to me.
As a reminder, Solano County Water Agency is conducting a spawning study in part to determine how low flows affect spawning success. They have mapped a number of sites and are marking them with weighted rods and/or flourescent red tape attached to the creek bottom. The outcome of this study may result in changes in flows that will benefit the fish, so please do all you can to help SCWA by avoiding marked study areas and by leaving the spawners, wherever they are, alone.
This does not surprise me one bit. Over the last few weekends I have personally seen several people flyfishing those redds, there not above or below them, they are literally dragging there rigs right through the redds. I thought flyfishers were supposed to be an ethical crowd ? I guess the site of large fish in the open is just to much for them to walk away from, I guess if you don't have what it takes to catch a putah trout fairly and ethicaly your just a no skill havin chump. One thing I have noticed this winter is that the fish are not where they should be for this time of year, Some other spawning area's I like to observe are totally baron. I'm just hoping there a bit late this year, Maybe some rain will help.
I am sure you stop buy and informed them and told them nicely like I did (at the point ) to fish will below the area witch they did, but I did notice that one guy was raking the weeds , good idea or not? Whet back next morning seen more folks there and politely said same thing and they left, and there were fish were that guy raked good job!! But tape there was also gone before 8:00 am sun ? and the guys I talk to just got there I will keep my eyes open. MOSES
SCWA asked PCT if we knew anything about it-they didn't remove the markers. Apparently, only the guide run markers are missing (6 to 8 of them). SCWA thought perhaps conscientious FF thought they were garbage and were cleaning up the creek-I find that a stretch, but if true they should be returned to that area. The biologists doing the study said only FF have been seen around the guide run, so I think its likely those responsible are from the FF community.
SCWA is going to great effort to conduct a scientific study to help the fishery. Like it or not, science will have an important role in the decision making process for protecting the creek. We need to do our part by not interfering with their work
I haven't been to the creek since they put the markers up, so I don't know exactly how or where they are held in place, but maybe FF that are fishing the redds are snagging the markers accidentally and tearing them off the bottom. They shouldn't be fishing the redds in the first place.
Good thought, but these have some heft to the base, to help them stand up in heavy current, the tip of the attached rod above the water-they are like a moveable flag pole. I don't know how many others are around-maybe others from this group have seen them elsewhere? As another thought, maybe someone has taken them to sell the lead for scrap?
Lead used as a large weight is not bad for trout, in fact its mostly waterfowl that suffer from using lead weight. The big problem is that the birds see lead shot as pebbles, and they swallow them to aid with digestion. Lead is not water soluble, but it is toxic. Didn't the bottom fall out on lead prices? I'd be suprised if someone made the effort to wade out and steal it for scrap.