Hmm, planters. Imagine for a moment that space aliens visited the earth and decided there weren't enough humans around so they captured a few humans and started breeding them in cages. Every couple of weeks they would gather up a load and drop off hundreds or thousands at some of their favorite spots to watch humans. You'd be at the supermarket or at work or in your house when all of a sudden an army of hungry stupid pasty white flabby naked people would come swarming in, kicking over your tv and stealing your spaghetti before it hit the plate. There would be no rest, every time you're ready to settle down a few dozen would show up and run you over because they saw something just on the other side of you that was shiny and they just had to check it out. They wouldn't be too smart because the aliens bred them for fast growth and they wouldn't have any social skills because they were raised in pens where food would be thrown at them 3 times at day, but they'd be really good at running after stuff that fell near them and trying to eat it. And you could never trust them around your wife becuase they'd always be trying to "get a leg over", and before you knew it you would have kids that looked nothing like you, a bit like your wife, but kind of pasty white, dumpy, very dull of brain, and carry diseases that you had never heard of before. That would get really annoying really fast.
well put windknots ! Heres how I see it, Lets say theres a nice healthy little fat 10 inch wild rainbow that has found himself a very nice little pocket of water to live his life, he knows the currents like you or I know our own front room. All of a sudden there is a load of planted trout dumped near his little pocket he calls home, All of a sudden this little guy has to compete with all these planted trout for food. I feel kinda sorry for that little wild trout. If it wasn't for planted trout we wouldn't have the new zealand mud snail as it was shipped here in a load of brown trout eggs I do beleive. There is a movement for the dfg to stop planting trout in california. They had an open forum meeting about it not to long ago.