I have two mountain bikes I am willing to part with if anyone is interested. They are both cannondales, all handmade in the usa, these are high quality bikes, Kinda like what a sage rod or an abel reel would be to fly fishing. the first is a cannondale raven, all handmade carbon fiber frame with aluminum swingarm, hydraulic disc brakes, all 9 speed shimano drive train, 2 sets of forks, one a long travel marzochi and the other a short travel cannondale headshok, this bike is tricked out from top to bottom and would retail over $6,000. The next is just a frame and drive train with wheels and no forks, its a cabnnondale superV 800, all handmade high quality aluminum frame. I would ask $1,500(FIRM) for the raven,the superV800 frame setup $350.00, i will provide pics upon request. these are serious bikes for someone into riding, these are not for your weekend stroll down to the park with the family.
They are 26 inch wheels, I'llpart with the car to if anyone wants a volvo , Hey howd that pretty little brown trout get in there ? Sorry I couldn't resist.