I was just wondering who felt the quake.... I live about 2 miles from the epicenter, so I felt it big time. I thought my house was coming down. This is the first big quake that I've felt... I don't remember 89's quake since I was only 3 when it happened.
My place in Palo alto got a good shaking, there was no mistaking that it was an earthquake. Not enough to knock anything off a shelf, but you could hear lots of creaking and rattling.
I felt nothing. Although I had a few beers last night . Holy crap lilwhippersnapper you were 3 years old. Man I'm getting old ! If you keep fly fishin your gonna be an expert by the time your my age, i wish i would have started at your age.
Didnt feel nothin, I was in the creek about an 1 1/2 before the quake and yeah lilwhip you are young. 3 in '89 damn that's the year I graduated high school.