Did any body make it to the show? I went and it was awsome. They showed clips from 9 different videos. It was alot of fun seeing different locations and species. One of the videos was all about fishing for Roosters in Baja. It was very entertaining.
The video that got me very excited was one about New Zealand. They were fishing for gigantic browns!!!!!
I made it to the show. I have to agree, it was really cool, especially those huge roosters chasing streamers in the surf! The AEG Kiwi Camo video is pretty awesome, however if you have not seen it yet, check out volume 1 that they filmed in Argentina. There are some fish in there that will blow your mind! Huge sea run browns, monster lake rainbows, browns and brooks colored like the sunset, and catching big stream rainbows on rat flies! I own both video's and I still like volume 1 the best even though volume 2 is produced a little better. Either way, they are both worth checking out. chuck
"when you put your hand into a flowing stream you touch the last that has come before and the first of what is still to come" -DaVinci
I went to the one in San Mateo in January. The crowd was small and the footage was great. Small crowds and lots of raffles made the drawing exciting. I ended up winning a compass. How was the turn out in Sac?