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Forum: Lost and Found
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No New Posts Lost Simms Nipprs (Preview)
Lost my Nippers if found please call me at 707-294-4738 and ask 4 Richard  Thanks 
RLoft 0 1006
No New Posts Lost ID Holder with CCs and CA driver lic (Preview)
Hey everyone I thought I would at least make an effort and make a post, One of My clients lost her ID/CC holder at Putah Creek while fishing last week on Thursday Nov24th at Putah Creek just below Deer Sign possibly along the road or worse yet in the water, It was one of those magnetized in sticks to the back...
rgloft 0 778
No New Posts Found: 4 wt TFO rod with Loomis reel (Preview)
A local guide found a 9'8' TFO 4 wt. rod  with a Loomis reel near Canyon Creek Resort on Sunday. Unfortunately both rod and reel were run over and basically destroyed. For more info contact Richard Loft 707-294-4738. Apparently the fly line survived and is still usable.
SK60 0 666
No New Posts found really expensive sunglasses (Preview)
found  expensive sunglasses looks like they have been around the water for a while PM me to discribe 
rgloft 1 1394
No New Posts Lost wood wading staff (Preview)
My client lost one of my wooden wading staffs I think while we fished at access # 3 im not sure she didn't say anything until we had moved around and It was the end of the day  If found please call me at 707-294-4738  Thanks  Richard 
rgloft 0 978
No New Posts Lost net under bridge. (Preview)
My buddy found a net on the creek. Left it in the lot under the bridge hope its returned to the keener or someone recognizes it.
DomD 0 848
No New Posts Lost Fly rod (Preview)
I am sad to say I seem to have left one of my rods on the creek. I was looking through my selections of rods and see I am missing a ECHO 9ft 5wt I sure I left it at the creek earlier last month October or possibly Sept. I dont remember if it was a Pulse or another model but I think it was a probably a pulse I do remembe...
rgloft 2 983
No New Posts Lost Wading staff (Preview)
I seem to have lost another Simms wading staff while fishing at the bridge if found please contact me at 707-294-4738  Thanks  Richard -- Edited by rgloft on Thursday 16th of September 2021 10:59:18 AM
rgloft 0 1021
No New Posts ROD (Preview)
Did anyone forget their rod at the Staircase last Friday?  Shoot me a dm with the model and reel I'd be happy to meet up this week as I'll prob be out at the creek Tuesday.
skylerjohnb 0 1161
No New Posts Another Lost wading Staff (Preview)
Yes I have lost yet another wading staff this one a client fell and dropped it in fast moving water back side of access 5 back side , Please contact me if you find it  Thanks  Richard 707-294-4738 
rgloft 0 1008
No New Posts Lost Simms Wadind staff (Preview)
Hey everyone I lost my staff today while helping a young man land his first Putah Bow at access # one. I was able to follow it down river but lost track of it as it was drifting heading towards access #2  Please let me know if you find it  I may try running the river with a Kayak tomorrow but still have my doubts...
rgloft 0 1062
No New Posts Found: Toyota (and other) keys (Preview)
I found a key ring with a set of Toyota keys at the Fishing Access 1 run.  Let me know if they're yours!  
DrDan 0 1136
No New Posts Lost fishing rod, tackle box, and 2 kayak oars (Preview)
Lost all my belongings after being tipped over by the rapids in a kayak. I lost a fishing rod, blue tackle box, and two kayak oars. (also described in another post, lost two iPhones and a wallet). If found, please let me know. Thank you!!
mbalko 6 1343
No New Posts Lost zip-lock bag with 2 phones and a wallet (Preview)
8/2/2020: My boyfriend and I went kayaking, but got tipped over into the rapids and almost drowned. We managed to make it out okay, but we lost the zip lock bag containing both of our iPhones and my wallet. If it is found, please mail it back to my address on my license. Thank you in advance!
mbalko 0 1161
No New Posts Found Camera (Preview)
I found a little Camera Today at Putah call me to claim  Richard N Rusty  707-294-4738
rgloft 0 1375
No New Posts Rod & Reel (Preview)
New 10 ft Syndicate Rod Old Lamson Guru Reel I cried. Swept away in the water at the downstream end of the little island near the deer crossing sign today - 5/16/2020.  I was on the little sand bar at the downstream end of the island.   -- Edited by get_that_fish on Saturday 16th of May 2020 07:01:35 PM
get_that_fish 6 1502
No New Posts lost my nymph box. (Preview)
What the title says. It is a thin rectangular box with various nymphs. I lost it either at  4 or the bridge area. I'll buy you a sixer of whatever beer you like, or, a couple of loaves of my outstanding new French bread ( ask Jamie at Creative Sports if it's any good ).   Tight lines, Richard Marnhout
mudhen 4 1607
No New Posts Lower Stanislaus: Lost All My Gear (Preview)
Hey Guys, I took a nasty plunge on the Lower Stan (below Goodwin) this past Thursday and got sent flying down stream. As some of you know, 800 CFS can be real nasty out there in some parts. I lost all my gear in the process of trying to survive the chaos. A wading belt might have been the thing that saved my lif...
hares_ear 5 1701
No New Posts found net (Preview)
I found a really nice foldable net on Monday 10/28 .. If you can identify and let me know where you may have lost it let me know and I will return
Pappy 1 1497
No New Posts Found Sunglasses (Preview)
Bling sunglasses found at guide hole last month (blue Planet eyewear ) 
rgloft 0 1462
No New Posts Lost Net Fishpond (Preview)
Yes it happened again  I was at the creek and lost my long handle guide net if found please contact me at 294-4738  Thanks  Richard   
rgloft 0 1696
No New Posts Found SPY sunglasses (Preview)
I recently found some spy sunglasses while heading onto a trail to the creek. They were below the ”resort” headed back from the bridge in the harder to access area of the creek. They are prescription lenses and please respond with the model for verification. 
Surferdude617 0 1543
No New Posts Found at low flows (Preview)
Hey everyone  I am doing my due diligence trying to find the owners of 2 camera i found during the recent low flows  both where in water proof cases , call me to describe at 707 294-4738 and ask for Richard , ps I also found 2 phones in cases both working one was already returned an I phone x  they where really...
rgloft 2 1876
No New Posts Found wading stick (Preview)
Hey Everyone I hope your all well , I found a wading stick Monday and want it to get back to its rightful owner , so ask around and let your friends know i have it so it get back to who ever lost it if at all possible 
rgloft 2 1920
No New Posts Lost fishpond guide net (Preview)
Hey everyone Please keep an eye open for my net it is the guide fishpond sells , lost it just abouve the staircase so it must have gone down when i wasnt looking    Thanks  Richard 
rgloft 0 1713
No New Posts Found Rod tube cap (Preview)
Found rodtube cap near staircase trail below bridge    Richard Loft  Napa valley fly guides  707 294-4738 
rgloft 0 1739
No New Posts Found Rod Tip for Loop Xact Fly Rod 490-4 (Preview)
Found Rod Tip for Loop Xact Fly Rod 490-4   Please contact me.
keith bigelow 1 1889
No New Posts Lost Sage Circa (Preview)
Lost it this morning at the head of the island at access 5. Had it strapped to my pack and when I got to the water, after wading across, I no longer had it. Searched the trail but didn't see it. It must have fallen into the water when I was wading. It's still wrapped in its cloth. If anybody finds it please repl...
Fornacino 1 1906
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